A worldwide leader in the automotive sector

The new challenges faced by the automotive sector require suppliers to become thoroughly involved in product conception and development and to acquire the means to make the reliability and robustness of their tests and assays unquestionable.

What do we offer our clients?

At Antolin we take into consideration all the testing and validation procedures throughout the product's useful life. At the disposal of our clients we place the means for experimental validation needed to guarantee compliance with specifications in all the applicable fields: chemistry/physics, functional assays, acoustics and safety.

We ensure the comprehensive management of testing and validation procedures throughout the product's life cycle:

  • Reliable performance of assays.
  • Result traceability.
  • Generation of profound knowledge on product behavior
  • Knowledge that is expanded and applied serially in future projects to improve component quality and robustness throughout their useful life


What do we rely on?

The central Laboratories and Validation area, dependent on Corporate Quality Management is responsible for project validation, as regards both the Innovation and Development phases and advanced and serial engineering activities.

Main assay areas in the validation unit:

  • Acoustics and Vibration
  • Electronics
  • Metals and metallography
  • Materials for interior lining, plastics and foams
  • Metrology.
  • Functional component tests.


  • Chemical component identification techniques (differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry and spectrometry).
  • Complete function test benches.
  • Mechanical tests (hardness, mechanical resistance, etc.).
  • Sensory tests associated with vehicle comfort (smell, touch, appearance, sound).
  • Acoustic absorption, noise measurements.
  • Electronics (electromagnetic compatibility).
  • Emissions.



Our central laboratory, a worldwide point of reference

Our central laboratory has been certified by ENAC (National Accreditation Agency) according to standard ISO 17025 (accreditation nº 1036/LE1996), that certifies it to perform the most demanding assays and calibrations. It is considered to be one of the best material testing laboratories in the entire automotive sector. This certification is a formal international recognition of the technical proficiency of our Validation Laboratory.

International standard UNE-EN-ISO/ IEC 17025:2005 establishes the general requirements for proficiency in the performance of assays or calibrations. It is a quality standard based on the ISO 9000 series of Quality standards. Although this standard has many similarities with ISO 9001 standard, its distinguishing feature is that its main purpose is to certify the proficiency of testing installations (Laboratories).